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Saturday 21 January 2012

Topical Concordense (ENGLISH)

Call of God, the 
·                                 By Christ
Isaiah 55:5 ; Romans 1:6
·                                 By his Spirit
Revelation 22:17
·                                 By his works
Psalms 19:2 Psalms 19:3 ; Romans 1:20
·                                 By his ministers
Jeremiah 35:15 ; 2 Corinthians 5:20
·                                 By his gospel
2 Thessalonians 2:14
·                                 Is from darkness
1 Peter 2:9
·                                 Addressed to all
Isaiah 45:22 ; Matthew 20:16
·                                 Most reject
Proverbs 1:24 ; Matthew 20:16
·                                 Effectual to saints
Psalms 110:3 ; Acts 2:47 ; 13:48 ; 1 Corinthians 1:24
·                                 TO MAN IS
o                                                        Of grace
Galatians 1:15 ; 2 Timothy 1:9
o                                                        According to the purpose of God
Romans 8:28 ; Romans 9:11 Romans 9:23 Romans 9:24
o                                                        High
Philippians 3:14
o                                                        Holy
1 Timothy 1:9
o                                                        Heavenly
Hebrews 3:1
o                                                        To fellowship with Christ
1 Corinthians 1:9
o                                                        To holiness
1 Thessalonians 4:7
o                                                        To liberty
Galatians 5:13
o                                                        To peace
1 Corinthians 7:15 ; Colossians 3:15
o                                                        To glory and virtue
2 Peter 1:3
o                                                        To the eternal glory of Christ
2 Thessalonians 2:14 ; 1 Peter 5:10
o                                                        To eternal life
1 Timothy 6:12
·                                 Partakers of, justified
Romans 8:30
·                                 Walk worthy of
Ephesians 4:1
·                                 Blessedness of receiving
Revelation 19:9
·                                 Praise God for
1 Peter 2:9
·                                 Illustrated
Proverbs 9:3 Proverbs 9:4 ; Matthew 23:3-9
·                                 REJECTION OF, LEADS TO
o                                                        Judicial blindness
Isaiah 6:9 ; Acts 28:24-27 ; Romans 11:8-10
o                                                        Delusion
Isaiah 66:4 ; 2 Thessalonians 2:10 2 Thessalonians 2:11
·                                 Withdrawal of the means of grace
Jeremiah 26:4-6 ; Acts 13:46 ; 18:6 ; Revelation 2:5
·                                 Temporal judgments
Isaiah 28:12 ; Jeremiah 6:16 Jeremiah 6:19 ; 35:17 ; Zechariah 7:12-14
·                                 Rejection by God
Proverbs 1:14-32 ; Jeremiah 6:19 Jeremiah 6:30
·                                 Condemnation
John 12:48 ; Hebrews 2:1-3 ; 12:25
·                                 Destruction
Proverbs 29:1 ; Matthew 22:3-7

·                                 General scriptures concerning
Psalms 44:22 ; Matthew 10:21 Matthew 10:22 Matthew 10:39 ; 16:25 ; Matthew 23:34 Matthew 23:35 ; 24:9 ; Mark 13:12 ; Luke 9:24 ; 11:50 ; Luke 21:16 Luke 21:17 ; John 12:25 ; Romans 8:36; 1 Corinthians 13:3 ; Revelation 6:9-11 ; 11:7-12 ; 12:11 ; 16:6 ; 17:6
·                                 INSTANCES OF
o                                                        Abel
Genesis 4:3-8
o                                                        Prophets killed by Jezebel
1 Kings 18:4 1 Kings 18:13
o                                                        Zechariah
2 Chronicles 24:21 2 Chronicles 24:22
o                                                        John the Baptist
Mark 6:18-28
o                                                        Jesus
o                                                        See JESUS
o                                                        Stephen
Acts 7:58-60
o                                                        James the apostle
Acts 12:2
o                                                        The prophets
Matthew 22:6 ; 23:35 ; Romans 11:3 ; 1 Thessalonians 2:15 ; Hebrews 11:32-37

·                                 Made from grapes
Genesis 40:11 ; 49:11 ; Isaiah 25:6 ; Jeremiah 40:1 Jeremiah 40:12
·                                 From pomegranates
Solomon 8:2
·                                 Kept in jars
Jeremiah 13:12 ; 48:12
·                                 In skins (RSV)
Joshua 9:4 Joshua 9:13 ; Job 32:19 ; Matthew 9:17 ; Luke 5:37 Luke 5:38
·                                 In bottles
Joshua 9:4 Joshua 9:13 ; Job 32:19 ; Jeremiah 13:12 ; 48:12 ; Matthew 9:17 ; Luke 5:37 Luke 5:38
·                                 Cellars for
1 Chronicles 27:27
·                                 New
Haggai 1:11
·                                 Old
Luke 5:39
·                                 Medicinal use of
Proverbs 31:6 Proverbs 31:7
·                                 Recommended by Paul to Timothy
1 Timothy 5:23
·                                 Used at meals
Matthew 26:27-29 ; Mark 14:23
·                                 Made by Jesus at the marriage feast in Cana
John 2:9 John 2:10
·                                 Sacramental use of
Matthew 26:27-29 ; Luke 22:17-20
·                                 Forbidden to priests while on duty
Leviticus 10:9 ; Ezekiel 44:21
·                                 Forbidden to Nazarites
Numbers 6:2 Numbers 6:3
·                                 Abstinence from
o                                                        Of Daniel
Daniel 1:5 Daniel 1:8 Daniel 1:16 ; 10:3
o                                                        Of the courtiers of Ahasuerus
Esther 1:8
o                                                        Of Timothy
1 Timothy 5:23
·                                 Samsons mother forbidden to drink
Judges 13:4 Judges 13:5
·                                 Forbidden to kings
Proverbs 31:4
·                                 Denied to the Israelites in the wilderness, so that they could know that the Lord was their God
Deuteronomy 29:6
·                                 Offered with sacrifices
Exodus 29:40 ; Leviticus 23:13 ; Numbers 15:5 Numbers 15:10 ; Numbers 28:7 Numbers 28:14
·                                 Given by Melchizedek to Abraham
Genesis 14:18
·  Refined
Isaiah 25:6 ; Jeremiah 48:11
·  Of staggering (RSV)
Psalms 60:3
·  Inflames the eyes
Genesis 49:12
·  Commerce in
Revelation 18:13
·  Banquets of
Esther 5:6
·  Cheap wine (like vinegar) given to Jesus at the crucifixion
Matthew 27:48 ; Mark 15:23 ; Luke 23:36 ; John 19:29
·  Intoxication from the use of
Psalms 104:15 ; Proverbs 4:17
·                                 Noah
Genesis 9:21
·                                 Lot
Genesis 19:32
·                                 Joseph and his brothers
Genesis 43:34
·                                 Nabal
1 Samuel 25:36
·                                 Amnon
2 Samuel 13:28 2 Samuel 13:29
·                                 Ahasuerus
Esther 1:10
·                                 Kings of Israel
Hosea 7:5
·                                 Falsely charged against the disciples
Acts 2:13
·                                 Of the divine judgments
Psalms 60:3 ; 75:8 ; Jeremiah 51:7
·                                 Of the joy of wisdom
Proverbs 9:2 Proverbs 9:5
·                                 Of the joys of spiritual matters
Isaiah 25:6 ; 55:1 ; Joel 2:19
·                                 Of abominations
Revelation 14:8 ; 16:19
·                                 Of the blood of Jesus
Matthew 26:28 ; Mark 14:23 Mark 14:24 ; Luke 22:20 ; John 6:53-56
 (2BE CONT..)

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