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Saturday 18 February 2012



            Jesus told His disciples, “ Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). The scripture reveal that all believer in Jesus Christ are Called to share his Good News with others (Mat 28:18-20 ; Acts 1:8). Even those who are called and gifted as pastors to serve a local hurch are exhorted to evangelise at every opportunity (2 Tim 4:5)

                However there are those specifically called and appointed by God to the gift and funbction of ‘ Evangelist” (Eph 4:11)

                Are You An Evangelist?

       As you read this article you may ask yourself you are an evangelist. Here are some questions to help you prayerfully decide if God is calling you as an evangelist:
1. Am I sure that the Lord has spoken to me by a calling, or within  my spirit, that I am to be an evangelist:

1.    I am sure that the Lord has spoken to me by a calling, or within my spirit , that I am to be an evangelist?
2.    Do I often feel happiness about this pain and hopeless state of people seperatedfrom Christ?.
3.    Do thought of others living without Christ Come to me frequently?
4.    Do I have a strong desire to tell others about Jesus life, death and resurrection.
5.    Do I have a hunger to study God’s Words to gain a deeper understanding of the Gospel.?
6.    Do thoughts of men and women spending eternity in hell away from God affect me greatly?
7.    Do I feel urgent need to preach to those who are not saved?.
8.    Had I had dreams or visions in which prewaching to the lost, which compel me to want to evangelize?
9.    Do isee practical areas of that make me want to help others, so I can alsa introduce them to Jesus?
10.Do I feel burdened when I met other Christians who don’t think or care about reaching the unsaved with the message of God.
11.Is showing others the way to Christ important to me.?
12.Have I made plans to to preach or share with others the Good news of salvation though Jesus Christ alone?

You may have answered “YES” to many of these questions. If so, it is very possible that God is calling  you to the work of evangelism. This article will :
Ø       Examine who the Evangelist is is
Ø       Discuss the nature of evangelist’s work;
Ø       identify the evangelist and those with and evangelistic calling;
Ø       encourage, challenge and teach the evangelist;
Ø       help Pastors to identify and encourage evangelists; be effective in evangelism themselves, and grow the Church  by winning new believers;
Ø       give practical help in the practice of evangelism for leaders and their churches.


An evangelist is a man or woman chosen by god to spread the Good news (Gospel) of salvation through Jesus Christ . An evangelist is a SPEAKER OF GOD. (2be cont)

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